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A/P part of the 'One Object at a Time' Exhibition in LA

A/P part of this amazing digital/VR exhibition, curated by Ebrahim Poustinchi at the A+D Museum in Los Angeles.

Ebrahim uses the exhibition space not just as a platform to showcase these objects, but instead builds the exhibition space out of these objects. You can see the show at:

Along so many of our friends & colleagues: AN.ONYMOUS @martaanna22 @imansari , BairBalliet (Kelly Bair + Kristy Balliet) @bairballiet , Endemic Architecture @ClarkThenhaus , Ferda Kolatan, SU11 Architecture + Design @ferdak @su11design @caleb_ehly , Folly Feast Lab @feghali.yara , Gabriel Esquivel @gabriel_esquivel_pdel ,

Greg Lynn FORM @greglynnform , hoX (Brendan Ho) @brendanho , Hume Architecture @nphume , Ibañez Kim , iheartblob @iheartblob , Ivan Bernal @ivan_arch , James F. Kerestes @jameskerestes , Jason Vigneri-Beane @jcvb_split , Jean Jaminet @jeanjaminet , Keyla Hernandez @_keyla_hernandez_

MR Studio , Nick Safley @nick_safley , office ca @officeca , Ozel Office @guvencozel , Rachael McCall @rachaelmccall , Sandhya Kochar & Austin Lightle @follofello @austinlightle , Tekena Koko @texxeen , The Bittertang Farm @bittertangfarm , ybaynes studio , Young & Ayata @young_ayata



  • A/P practice
  • Vimeo
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